Spiritual Bath Bar with bloodstone
Spiritual Bath Bar with bloodstone
Spiritual Bath Bar with bloodstone
Spiritual Bath Bar with bloodstone

Spiritual Bath Bar with bloodstone

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This is a Spiritual bath in the form of a soap. I created this for those who want to utilize a spiritual bath but don't have a tub to do one. Well look no further we have got u covered and protected. The ingredients of this soap bar is as followed: Honey Soap Base, fresh herbs (Sage, Rosemary, Bay leaves, Thyme, and Mint), rosemary oil, frankincense oil, myrrh oil, sage oil, and eucalyptus oil. It also includes Efun, Florida water, and Rose Water. To make this bar even more powerful a crystal was placed in each bar to further infuse the soap with the properties of the crystal chosen.

The benefits are as followed:  A spiritual bath works to cleanse the mind and spirit, using powerful ingredients that charge the bathwater with healing vibrations that help you remove blockages, hurts, pains and situations that are no longer serving you in any constructive way. Sage is a powerful magickal herb which has been used for hundreds of years a cleansing and purifying herb. Its magickal energies make it a great choice for protection spells and it’s also powerful when used in money and abundance spells. Mint is used frequently in magical rites and spells. It is meant to draw wealth, lure love, keep out evil, and enhance overall wellbeing. Rosemary oil is good for increasing circulation and relieving aches and pains. Rosemary put into a bath or tea can help with removing anxiety and invigorating and cleansing the spirit. This herb’s magic properties are used for love spells, protection, and as an aphrodisiac. In ancient times, it was favored for purification and cleansing rituals. Thyme is used for protection and it aids in healing spiritually as well as gives you courage to continue on your life's mission. Bay Leaf, also known as bay laurel, is a powerful herb that is useful for manifestation, prosperity, protection, cleansing and even psychic development. Frankincense is known for their use in consecration, meditation, protection and purifying. Myrrh is known for: Protection, purification, healing and magical potency. Both are known for their use as a sacred tool in many cultures. Florida Water is used to remove negative energy, heavy vibrations, and encourages the healthy expression of emotions. Roses have the highest vibration (electronic frequency) of all the flowers and their scent is closely associated with angels. After mixed with other ingredients, rosewater is used for cleansing and connecting with the highest energies and with the heart. Water, as an element, is associated with emotions. It moves in cycles with the moon, expressed as tears of joy or sorrow, and is even present when we feel joy or love “wash over” us. As the embodiment of the water element, spiritual waters are perfect for healing and balancing emotions. Like its name implies, adding Peace Water to a bath helps imbue you with a sense of peace that lasts long after the bath is over. Spiritual Water helps remove mental blocks, provide clarity, and lift confusion. 

Crystal (Bloodstone): Bloodstone is believed to protect against negative energy, psychic attacks, and emotional vampires. Bloodstone is believed to stimulate psychic abilities and intuition, which can help with divination, prophecy, and spiritual growth. Bloodstone is said to help ground spiritual energy into the physical realm, which can provide stability and strength during difficult times.

Efun: The white chalk-like substance used for ritual purification. Purpose: The effect of efun is considered cooling, regulating and calming, with the benefit of protection from negative or "hot" spiritual energies. Efun is used to honor Obatala and it represents everything that this diety is in all aspects. It clears the auric field and works to expel internal negativity. Protects against negative energy and forces.  It also encompasses the cleansing powers contained in the symbolism of egg magick.